Central in Matthew’s artistic work is the belief that dancemaking is a powerful and necessary form of inquiry and exploration, that the body is a catalyst for creative action, and that everybody can and should dance. Each project is collaborative and multidisciplinary, bringing together diverse people of all ages and abilities to ask questions, share stories, and create dances to help us discover more about ourselves and our worlds. In practice, this leads to artistic work that is layered, that develops over time and through an iterative process, and that harnesses a kind of storyness from moving between content and form and process and product.
Growing Our Own Gardens
The (still perfectly fine) adventures of Unicorn Hair + Dragon Heartstring
What Gets Held Here
OAC: Texas
See a complete list of Matthew’s choreographic works
Photo by Jesse Sroggins, featuring Matthew Cumbie and Amanda Jackson in their collaboratively created and performed duet thinking seeing standing feeling object of attention